“The ways in which we handle our trials are part
of the maturing of the physical and spiritual man.” –Elder Robert D. Hales in “Lessons from
the Atonement That Help Us to Endure to the End” (Oct. 1895 Ensign)
“It is comforting to know that, though
suffering, Jesus Christ was able to look down from the cross and be concerned
for His mother, that she should be properly cared for, as He asked for the help
of a disciple.” –Elder Robert D. Hales in “Lessons from the Atonement That
Help Us to Endure to the End” (Oct. 1895 Ensign)
“…we can have solace knowing the joy that will
come when our loved ones are reunited and continue their eternal progression
because of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.” –Elder Robert D. Hales in “Lessons from
the Atonement That Help Us to Endure to the End” (Oct. 1895 Ensign)
“Believe that remaining strong and faithful to the
truths of the gospel is of utmost importance.” –President Thomas S. Monson in “Believe, Obey,
and Endure” (April 2012 General Conference)
“The world around you is not equipped to provide
the help you need to make it through this often-treacherous journey.” –President
Thomas S. Monson in “Believe, Obey, and Endure” (April 2012 General Conference)
“…there is no fog so dense, no night so dark, no
gale so strong, no mariner so lost but what the lighthouse of the Lord can
rescue. It beckons through the storms of life.” –President Thomas S. Monson in “Believe, Obey,
and Endure” (April 2012 General Conference)
“Because of the life and sacrifice of Jesus
Christ, we may hope and be assured that the ending of the book of our lives
will exceed our grandest expectations.” –President Dieter F. Uchtdorf in “Christ, Our
Hope” (Dec. 2012 New Era)
“When disobedience, disappointment, and
procrastination erode faith, hope is there to uphold our faith.” –President Dieter
F. Uchtdorf in “Christ, Our Hope” (Dec. 2012 New Era)
“Heavenly Father hears and answers your prayers
of faith for guidance and for help to endure in
your service for Him.” –President Henry B. Eyring in “The Caregiver” (Broadcast)
“‘And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high.’”
.” –President Henry B. Eyring in “The Caregiver” (Broadcast)
Position Statement:
I know that when we
have continuous faith and humility, it can help us endure to the end. Although
this is true, we must realize that we can’t get through life without the love and
guidance of Heavenly Father. I know that we all will suffer through trials and
hardships, but we can learn many things throughout the good and bad of our
lives. These things that we learn, I believe, will help us through things we
experience in the future. In all that we experience, there is an underlying
purpose and I know that Heavenly Father would not let me go through something
that I won’t be able to overcome. He knows my strength and I believe has given
me the particular hardships that I have faced and will face because He knows
that I will “keep pushing on.”
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