Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Missionary Work

Introduction: I have been consciously thinking a lot lately about how I don't share the gospel with others enough. And it's not only that I don't do it, but I am scared to do it. I've learned for years and years how to share the gospel, so I should know enough about how to do it. The thing that I'm scared most of is sharing it with people I am really close with. I don't share the gospel enough with family and I need to improve on that. So I decided to find some scriptures and quotes about how to overcome that fear of sharing the gospel. That is what this post will be about. I also will have a link to my profile on the bottom, if you would like to read more about me and what I believe on there.

Isaiah 52:7
 ¶How abeautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him thatbbringeth cgood dtidings, that epublisheth fpeace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith untogZion, Thy God reigneth!

Ezekiel 34: 11
 11 ¶For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will bothasearch my sheep, and seek them out.

Mark 16:15
 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and apreachthe bgospel to every ccreature.

Jacob 1:19 
 19 And we did amagnify our office unto the Lord, taking upon us the bresponsibility, answering the sins of the people upon our own heads if we did not cteach them the word of God with all diligence; wherefore, by laboring with our might their dblood might not come upon our garments; otherwise their blood would come upon our garments, and we would not be found spotless at the last day.

Matthew 28:19–20 
19 ¶Go ye therefore, and ateach all bnationscbaptizing them in the name of the dFather, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
 20 aTeaching them to bobserve all things whatsoever I haveccommanded you: and, lo, dI am with you alway, even unto theeend of the world. Amen.

Mosiah 28:3
 Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not abear that any human bsoulshould cperish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure dendless torment did cause them to quake and etremble.

Luke 10:1
 After these things the Lord aappointed other bseventy also, and sent them ctwo and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come.

Doctrine and Covenants 42:6
 And ye shall go forth in the power of my Spirit, preaching my gospel, two by two, in my name, lifting up your voices as with the sound of a trump, declaring my word like unto angels of God.

Doctrine and Covenants 58:64
 64 For, verily, the sound must go forth from this place into all the world, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth—the gospel must be apreached unto every creature, with bsigns following them that believe.

Doctrine and Covenants 88:81

 81 Behold, I sent you out to atestify and warn the people, and it becometh every man who hath been warned to bwarn his neighbor.

Seven Simple Steps For Sharing the Gospel:

1. Live Your Religion.
2. Establish A Foundation.
3. Connect The Dots.
4. Share Experiences.
5. Understand Your Audience.
6. Use Resources.
7. Be A Force For Good.

Position Statement: Missionary work is amazing! It's absolutely wonderful and blesses lives! If you love the gospel, why wouldn’t you want to share it with others? Who knows…they could love it just as much as you do! Yes, it can be scary, to share the gospel with people close to you, because you might not know exactly how they will react. But if you rely on The Lord, He will help you through it! It’s amazing how The Lord has blessed me before with words flowing out of my mouth and me not even planning out what I was going to say. The Lord will bless you as long as you keep your covenants and promises with Him. Doing what you are supposed to will help the Spirit stay with you and you will be able to know the time, place, and person with which to share the gospel. Sharing the gospel is simple, as long as you have prayed and received revelation about what you are to do. I know now that sharing the gospel with my family shouldn’t be scary, as long as I trust in the Lord. I challenge you to go and pray about who to share the gospel with and when the right time to do that would be. Then act, and not be acted upon.

My profile: